Gerry Fialka ( , artist, writer, and paramedia ecologist, lectures world-wide on experimental film, avant-garde art and subversive social media. He has been praised by the Los Angeles Times as “the multi-media Renaissance man.” The LA Weeklyproclaimed him “a cultural revolutionary.” His interviews have also been published in books by Mike Kelley and Sylvere Lotringer.Fialka's interviews have been heard on Pacifica KPFK radio, appeared in magazines: Canyon Cinema, OtherZine, CineSource, Artillery, AMASS Magazine, LA Jazz Scene, Jazz News, Bird, Flipside, Venice BeachHead. 310-306-7330Will Nediger ( is a linguistic, cruciverbalist and enthusiast of experimental and non-experimental film. You can solve his crosswords and find links to other places they've been published at .Together, Fialka & Nediger are currently writing a history of the future of avant-garde film, entitled Any Complaints Talk to the Projectionist. Their essays have appeared in OtherZine and CineSource Magazine .
Will's graphic film art appears in Fialka's feature film, The Brother Side of the Wake. Will contributed to the book: Strange Questions: Experimental Film as Conversation by Gerry Fialka, Edited by Rachael Kerr, Foreword by David James. Publication date: Soon
Nediger and Fialka met at the Ann Arbor Film Festival. They both graduated from The University of Michigan.
The title Dropping Keys is inspired by Hafiz and James Joyce, who wrote in Finnegans Wake "The keys to. Given!"Persian poet Hafiz (from The Gift , translated from the Persian by Dan Ladinsky):DROPPING KEYSThe small man builds cages for everyone he knows, while the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low, keeps dropping keys all night long for the beautiful rowdy prisoners.Caroline Casey of Coyote Network News says: This Hafiz poem "Dropping Keys," I use it everyday, is the essence of "play." It is not saving somebody, in that tyrannical old school model, "Let me save you." It is - "unlock yourself" and toss the key. Think of everyone as a beautiful and rowdy prisoner.Dropping Keys evokes the joke:MR. SNIFF: What are you looking for?
MR. SNOOP: I dropped my keys.
MR. SNIFF: Are you sure you lost them on this street?
MR SNOOP: Oh no! I lost it in the next block, but I’m lookin’ up here because the light is better.Film is light on. Poetry is candor. Candor comes from the word candle, which means white light.We probe the poetry of film, jokes, candor, light, space, time, emotion, mind, body and soul."We must invent a NEW METAPHOR, restructure our thoughts and feelings. The new media are not bridges between people and nature: they are nature." - Marshall McLuhan